Our APACE Programme is doing amazing working addressing vaccine rates in Mpumalanga and KZN by mobilizing community specific interventions and seeking out communities that have limited access or resources to get vaccinated. The COVID brigades are also using the opportunity to address other health issues that could be treated by including HIV testing, blood pressure screening and blood sugar testing as part of these interventions. Below are some of our press coverage:

Rural Covid-19 vaccination drive gets timely boost
US donors and healthcare organisation BroadReach have launched a rural Covid-19 vaccination drive to improve coverage rates among some of SA’s most vulnerable communities in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal.
The two provinces have among the lowest inoculation rates in SA, with the proportion of adults who have received at least one shot dipping as low as 12% in some sub-districts. The national figure stands at 48%, with coverage highest in the Free State (57.3%) and the Western Cape (55.6%), according to official government figures. Inoculations are lowest in KwaZulu-Natal (41.5%) and Mpumalanga (42.2%)…
To read the full article, visit Business Day.
Covid vaccine brigade reaches into far off areas
With a rise in the rate of vaccination hesitancy fuelled by reports of vaccine-related deaths, the government, public health specialists and funders are leaving no stones unturned to maximise vaccine access among communities at risk.
The national department of health has joined forces with international innovative health specialists BroadReach Health Development and US Aid for International Development to fasttrack vaccinations and tackle vaccination hesitancy in rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga…
To read the full article, visit The Citizen.